Past blog entries from Aggipah

Salmon River Fishing Report, Whitewater Rafting

Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Update

Salmon River steelhead fishing has been in a slump the last two or three years. Local fisheries biologists put a lot of blame on changing ocean conditions. Ocean temperature cycles affect steelhead and salmon. We apparently have been in an unfavorable cycle for several years, though I’m told the cycle seems to be in an […]
Whitewater Rafting

Salmon River snowpack above average

Salmon River snowpack above average in early December:  This morning the snowpack in the Salmon River drainage is 110% of average.  Earlier it was nearly 200%, after some early storms, but, though diminishing between storms, is still strong.  However, it is very early to mean a great deal.  Last year at this point our snowpack […]
Whitewater Rafting

Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018

Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018 were available this morning for the post-control season.  Aggipah River Trips received the 5th and 16th of September.  Dates during the control season, during June, July, and August, are permanently assigned.  In that period, we have June 2, 11, and 20, July 2, 11, 20, 29, and August 7 […]
Whitewater Rafting

Snowpack in Salmon River Country

The snowpack in the Salmon River basin is a little below average, at 90% this morning, though precipitation since the beginning of the water year on 1 October is above average, at 110%.  The fall was so warm that early precipitation was rain rather than snow, so the snowpack was slow to accumulate.  Now, we […]

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