A view of the moon over the mountains above the Salmon River

Meeting places & transportation

For people flying to the area, Boise is the usual commercial air destination. Salmon and Stanley do not have scheduled air service, but charter flights and rental cars are available at the Boise terminal. Round trip charter flights from Boise and back to Boise will add about $360 to either the Middle Fork or Main Salmon trip. We can assist in arranging any motel or charter flights, though usually they will want your credit card number as a guarantee of your reservation.

Middle Fork: We meet in Stanley, Idaho, the evening before the trip at your motel to go over any last minute details and to leave waterproof duffel bags with you. The next morning right after breakfast we drive a couple of hours to the put-in point. When low water requires flying to begin the trip on the Middle Fork, we do not include your flight to the river, but will arrange the flight Cost is about $120 per person from Stanley. You can also fly from Salmon, which is sometimes more convenient.

Trips end about mid-day. We provide transportation to Salmon (arriving in mid-afternoon), where you can get a charter flight to Boise. If you have driven your car to Stanley, you can have your car shuttled to Salmon (about $100), or take a charter flight to Stanley.

Main Salmon We meet in Salmon, Idaho. the evening before the trip at your motel to go over any last minute details and to leave waterproof duffel bags with you. The next morning right after breakfast we drive a couple of hours to the put-in point After the Main Salmon trips we provide transportation to McCall, where you can get a charter flight to Salmon or Boise. If you have driven to Salmon, you can also have your car shuttled and waiting at the take-out point.

We do not provide round-trip transportation on the Middle Fork or Main Salmon because not everyone needs to return to Stanley or Salmon after the trip. We provide the basic transportation that everybody needs, and will arrange additional transportation as needed. Our rates reflect this.

Lower Salmon We meet the evening before the trip at your motel to go over any last minute details and to leave waterproof duffel bags with you, either in Lewiston, which is served by commercial airlines, or Grangeville, depending on convenience to you. This will be individually arranged.. The next morning right after breakfast we drive an hour or two to the put-in point. After the trip we provide transportation back to Lewiston or Grangeville.

Cancellation & Payment Policy

Reservations are secured by a deposit of 25% of trip fee. Deposits are not refundable. Balance is due and non-refundable 30 days before the trip.

We strongly suggest vacation and deposit insurance, available from many insurance companies. Each year we have a few last-minute cancellations, often due to medical problems, that could be covered by insurance. Since we have a limited number of spaces available each year, a cancelled reservation that we cannot rebook has essentially been used, from our perspective. Should a problem arise, call us as soon as you can, so that we can try to sort out a solution for both of us.

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