Trout fishing on summer trips on the River of No Return section of the Salmon River is an incidental activity, primarily due to water temperature, but adds a bit of spice to a river trip. We can find trout in the cooler tributaries, or near the mouths of those streams. Catch rate is good, but locations are limited. There are some rough fish that can be caught from our sandbar camps, which do provide an activity for younger kids.
Small mouth bass fishing is very good on the Lower Gorge of the Salmon in late summer into early fall. There are some trout, and in some years trout fishing is good-primarily depending on the stocking policies of the Fish and Game Department. There are several sturgeon holes, with fish commonly of four to six feet. We sometimes catch them but they must be released.
Steelhead fishing on the Salmon River is primarily mid to late fall and early spring. In early October we offer a five-day combination steelhead/chukar, whitewater, camping trip on the Lower Salmon using drift boats. Later in October we have a five-day lodge-to-lodge trip on the River of No Return section of the Salmon River with drift boats that is a memorable experience.
From mid-October to mid-November, and early March to early April, we can provide one-day steelhead fishing in the Salmon River area with fishermen staying in a local motel.