River Trips are WAAAYYY More Than Just Whitewater!

River trips are WAAAYYY more than just whitewater…

Have you been thinking about taking a whitewater rafting trip, but are concerned it will be just tons of scary whitewater every day? Or maybe you’ve never even thought about taking a river trip at all…but here’s why you SHOULD!

  1. River trips are about so much more than just big whitewater. Sure, we’ve got plenty of that, but you’ll be amazed at the number of different things you can do during the week.
  2. You can hike, paddle, watch for birds, catch world-class cutthroat, swim, relax, eat outstanding Dutch oven meals. And that’s just for starters.
  3. The camping arrangements are awesome: we provide top-of-the-line tents, sleeping pads, and can even arrange a sleeping bag so you don’t have to travel with yours. You won’t believe the stars you’ll see our first night away from the big city lights.
  4. Want more undivided attention spans? Bring the kids to the river. The cell phones won’t work, and you’ll be able to watch them open up again like kids should. They’ll run in the sand, splash in the water, paddle like crazy, and fall asleep worn out from an awesome day being kids.
  5. Need to reconnect with a spouse, a long-lost friend, or feel like making new friends? The river is the place to do it. You’ll have long stretches of uninterrupted time with loved ones, no cell phones and deadlines to get in the way of remembering why our most basic human relationships are the most important.
  6. You can make river trips as active or as relaxed as you want. Feel like paddling all day? Great! Let’s do it! Maybe you need a day–or several– off, and just want to watch the scenery go by? Perfect, let’s do that instead. You can go for a run, climb a tree, climb a mountain, or just nestle in with a good book. It’s all up to you.
  7. The food. The FOOD! We have all the good stuff, and it’s prepared on-site with a huge variety of fresh, often times local, produce, meats, seafoods, breads, and regional dinner wines. We use our Dutch ovens every day, and are skilled in tailoring our menu to fit special dietary needs.

Convinced that river trips are the best way to spend your vacation days? Give us a call, (208) 756-4167 to set up your next best adventure.River Trips

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