Salmon River “Relaunch your Relationship” Retreat 2024

“There is no greater source of joy and meaning in our lives than our relationships with others.” -Esther Perel Ever wish you could slow time down and spend more of it with your partner? Relaunch your relationship with the Gottman Method on Idaho’s Salmon River. Do the two of you need a week with no […]

women's 4-day main salmon

Women’s 4-Day Main Salmon Lodge Retreat

Need a day (or 4) out? Check out our women’s 4-day Main Salmon lodge retreat! Our incredibly popular Women’s Main Salmon River trip is back, and it’s better than ever! 2022 is your year to join our women’s all-inclusive Main Salmon River adventure. This year we are featuring TWO spirited professionals to add to our […]


COVID-19 Update April 27, 2020

Corona Virus and Your 2020 River Trip We are weathering this storm, waiting for good news along with all of you. We have come to count so many of you as close friends over the years. We are looking forward to new friendships with those of you we’re hoping to meet this summer. Your safety, and that of our crew and family, […]

Choose a River Trip Over a Cruise in 2020.

We recently took our two young boys on an 8-day Caribbean cruise. I could just leave it at that. Maybe I’m biased, or spoiled because I work in the travel industry, but this recent vacation was one I’ll never forget. And not in a good way. Let’s just say I learned a TON and I’m […]

Kids steelhead fishing

Salmon River Steelhead Fishing Update

Salmon River steelhead fishing has been in a slump the last two or three years. Local fisheries biologists put a lot of blame on changing ocean conditions. Ocean temperature cycles affect steelhead and salmon. We apparently have been in an unfavorable cycle for several years, though I’m told the cycle seems to be in an […]

River Trips are WAAAYYY More Than Just Whitewater!

River trips are WAAAYYY more than just whitewater… Have you been thinking about taking a whitewater rafting trip, but are concerned it will be just tons of scary whitewater every day? Or maybe you’ve never even thought about taking a river trip at all…but here’s why you SHOULD! River trips are about so much more […]

Idaho's Middle Fork Salmon River

Idaho’s Middle Fork Salmon River

A trip through Idaho’s Middle Fork of the Salmon River is, for many, the trip of a lifetime. Experience a bit of that here: The Middle Fork of the Salmon is often considered the best of Idaho river rafting trips, through the heart of the River of No Return Wilderness Area. Challenging whitewater, isolated wilderness […]

Salmon River Ice Jam

Salmon River snowpack above average

Salmon River snowpack above average in early December:  This morning the snowpack in the Salmon River drainage is 110% of average.  Earlier it was nearly 200%, after some early storms, but, though diminishing between storms, is still strong.  However, it is very early to mean a great deal.  Last year at this point our snowpack […]

River Trips are for EVERYONE!

The best vacations are all-inclusive. Our river trips on Idaho’s Salmon and Middle Fork Salmon Rivers have it all.   As you can see, river trips have something for everyone. There is so much more to enjoy than just floating down the river. You’ll enjoy plenty of “camp time” which includes fishing, games, hikes, delicious, […]

steelhead fishing improving

Steelhead fishing is improving in the Salmon area

Steelhead fishing is improving in the Salmon area, in spite of the time of year.  In many years slush ice is flowing, at least some days, by this time, but yesterday the river was 42 degrees and clear.  The volume of the Salmon River at Salmon is about 20% greater than average.  Over the years, […]

september middle fork dates

Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018

Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018 were available this morning for the post-control season.  Aggipah River Trips received the 5th and 16th of September.  Dates during the control season, during June, July, and August, are permanently assigned.  In that period, we have June 2, 11, and 20, July 2, 11, 20, 29, and August 7 […]

Salmon River snowpack above average

The Salmon River snowpack is significantly above average the end of March. Reporting stations in the headwaters of the Middle Fork indicate about 150% of average snowpack for this date.  This would suggest that there will be higher than average river flows this summer.  Not a guarantee–a warm, dry spring could still change things.  The […]

Middle Fork Mishap

40 Years’ Worth of River Stories #1

2017 marks Aggipah’s 40th year guiding folks through Idaho’s Salmon River country. Along the way, we’ve picked up a story or two. Here’s today’s-it’s a shortie- by Bill Bernt. Going through the old photos the other day I came across this photo of a plane in the river at the bottom of Haystack Rapid on the […]

Salmon River Snowpack

Snowpack in Salmon River Country

The snowpack in the Salmon River basin is a little below average, at 90% this morning, though precipitation since the beginning of the water year on 1 October is above average, at 110%.  The fall was so warm that early precipitation was rain rather than snow, so the snowpack was slow to accumulate.  Now, we […]

a group of people on a raft in a river

Outdoor Idaho’s “The Outfitters” Featuring Aggipah’s Bill Bernt

We were honored to spend a week on the Salmon River in August with Outdoor Idaho’s executive producer Bruce Reichert and cameraman Peter Morrill. They were working on a show for Idaho Public Television called “The Outfitters,” and you can see the finished product here. Be sure to watch the entire 26 minutes, it’s an […]

Salmon River Half-Day Float

Yesterday I had a Salmon River half-day float trip  near Salmon, a couple with two little girls in the boat.  That section of river does not have whitewater, but is a very scenic float along the cliffs near town.  The river is still cold, and the family did not want a couple of drenched little […]

Spring Rafting Trips on Salmon River

Last week I was on the Lower Salmon section of the Salmon River, with an outfitter/agency group.  Enjoying a spring rafting trip on the Salmon River is a perk, though the primary purpose of the trip was to discuss management issues on this section of river, in an on/site setting.  Developing better acquaintance with agency […]

Thumbs-up on the river

Kids Salmon River Whitewater Rafting Trip!

Kids Salmon River Whitewater Rafting Trip Now that spring is here, you’re probably like us and getting pretty excited. If you have kids, here’s another to be excited about: we’re running a kid/family-specific trip on our August 15-20 Main Salmon launch. It’s an opportunity for one last family fling before school starts up again, one […]

Snowy Salmon River Mountain

Salmon River Level Projection

Snow pack in the Salmon River basin through most of the winter has been 110-120% of average.  Based on snow pack, Salmon River level projection for the summer is average or a bit over–welcome after last summer’s low water.  While the current snow pack is encouraging, it is not a guarantee.  If the weather is […]

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