Need a day (or 4) out? Check out our women’s 4-day Main Salmon lodge retreat!
Our incredibly popular Women’s Main Salmon River trip is back,
and it’s better than ever! 2022 is your year to join our women’s all-inclusive Main Salmon River adventure. This year we are featuring TWO spirited professionals to add to our river experience. We’re super excited that Lexi Keller, this trip’s co-founder, is BACK, and we’re also looking forward to introducing you to our good friend, Sarah Marcus, Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Lexi will be leading our group in various river-side fitness sessions and discussions, and Sarah will be providing in-depth self-development therapy and exercises in keeping with 2022’s theme of Acceptance. We’ll spend 6 days on the river. No phones, no traffic, no distractions. We’ll laugh, grow, explore, eat, sleep, and learn more about ourselves, all on the slower pace of river time. This trip will meet in Salmon, Idaho and we’ll be floating the Main Salmon River August 7-12, 2022.
A typical day on this trip will look a bit like this:
7:30am: breakfast
9:00am: departure from lodges
10:00 soak in a natural hot spring along the river
Noon: lunch time
Early afternoon: short side hike to a place of interest (old homestead, gold-mine or other interesting place).
4:00pm: arrival at next lodge
5:00pm: Zumba or other workout for those who wish to participate
7:00pm: dinner
8:00pm: keynote discussion
Lodge trips are a little different from our standard camping whitewater river trips.
We float the same number of river miles each day, but stay each night in a different lodge as we make our way downriver. This feature is part of what makes this river trip so cool: we’ll be able to enjoy the river during the day, and have the facilities for Lexi’s workout sessions in the evenings. Plus, if you’re not totally sold on river camping, staying in lodges alleviates that worry. And if you ARE sold on river camping, you can totally open up the windows and let those night sounds in! For more information on our lodge trips in general, visit here.
Call (208) 993-0655 or email for more details. Because of limited lodging space, there are only 15 seats available for this trip, so book early! You will NOT want to miss this one!

Meet Lexi: “I am a health and fitness coach, licensed Zumba instructor, self-empowerment advocate, rancher’s wife, and a busy mom to three adventurous boys! The ability to exercise has been a huge blessing in all aspects of my life. It has been my moon booster, stress reliever, confidence builder, and happy place. I am passionate about life and empowering others to live their lives to the fullest. I am absolutely thrilled to join Aggipah for the most epic girls’ trip ever! Whitewater rafting, adventure, Zumba, fun, positivity, peace, serenity. See you in June.”