Idaho’s Middle Fork Salmon River

A trip through Idaho’s Middle Fork of the Salmon River is, for many, the trip of a lifetime. Experience a bit of that here:

The Middle Fork of the Salmon is often considered the best of Idaho river rafting trips, through the heart of the River of No Return Wilderness Area. Challenging whitewater, isolated wilderness canyon, excellent fly fishing, hot springs, Indian pictographs, wildlife, combine to provide lifetime memories.   The Middle Fork arises at nearly 6000 feet elevation in mountain meadows, drops  3000 feet into an ever-deepening canyon, without a road crossing in  a hundred miles.  This gradient produces challenging whitewater, with numerous Class IV rapids in normal river levels.  With the loss of elevation the environment changes from  lodgepole pine forest to ponderosa pine, to mixed timber and open grassy slopes and finally, in Impassable Canyon, dramatic sheer granite cliffs, rising to peaks six to seven thousand feet above the river. This is one of the deepest canyons in Idaho. Rafting is the only access to this part of the Middle Fork of the Salmon River.  Power boats are not allowed on the Middle Fork.

For more information about our Middle Fork Salmon River trips, visit here.



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