Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018

Middle Fork Salmon dates

Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018 were available this morning for the post-control season.  Aggipah River Trips received the 5th and 16th of September.  Dates during the control season, during June, July, and August, are permanently assigned.  In that period, we have June 2, 11, and 20, July 2, 11, 20, 29, and August 7 and 16.  We have space available on all of these dates, though reservations are beginning to come in.  There are still some dates that would be available for charter, for those who  prefer a private trip.  Minimum numbers would apply. For more information about our Middle Fork Salmon River trips, visit here.

Since water levels depend significantly on snowpack, which hasn’t yet begun to accumulate, we can only rely on past patterns for Middle Fork Salmon dates for 2018.   The river usually peaks from snowmelt in early June, providing high, powerful flows.  By late June the river is dropping, but usually fast, cold, significant white water, often difficult to fish.  In July the river is moderate, warmer, better fishing, more stable weather.  July is prime time on the Middle Fork, with trips commonly filling, so early reservations are important.  In August the river is lower, often  requiring a flight into an airstrip downstream from the usual put-in to begin the trip. Traffic on the river is somewhat less than July, and groups often are smaller.  In September, after schools open, groups continue to shrink in size as well as number.  Often September trips focus on fishing.

These generalities can change from year to year depending on snowpack.  In 2017, a heavy snowpack and a late spring resulted in very high flow through most of June, creating some safety concerns, but allowing us to do our 16 August trip without flying in.  On the other hand, there have been low snow years that provided moderate river levels in June and required flying by early July.

It would be nice to wait until the snowpack is established to select a date,  but by that time available space is becoming limited–or gone.  An earlier reservation insures an opportunity to be on the river.

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