Graduation Family River Trips
You know the saying, “Once you leave home, you can never come back again.” I remember one of my high school teachers saying that to us in one of our senior English classes. I thought about it a lot-of course I could come home…couldn’t I? What I didn’t understand at the time is what many parents of 2015 graduating seniors are really starting to get about now: things are never the same after leaving the nest after high school graduation. Your kids have gone from this:

To this:

…in about a second. Or so it seems!
Spending summers on the Salmon River with my family and fellow guides is the greatest constant in my life. For me, it’s the closest thing to “returning home.” I encourage you to think about doing something with your about-to-graduate kids this summer. Something out of the ordinary. No Disney World trips(they’re too grown up for that, anyway), no Caribbean cruises(too cliche), and no sending them off by themselves to summer camp. Bring them on a Salmon River trip and spend six, yes SIX, whole, uninterrupted days with them before they head off to college or wherever life leads them. Get the whole family together. Turn off the phone, turn off Facebook. Come to the River. There’s no place quite like it. It’s quiet and loud at the same time. It’s peaceful one moment and exhilarating the next. You’ll have hours to chat with your sons and daughters, and long moments of comfortable silence as well. You will run rapids, hike to waterfalls, explore old homesteads. You will also lean back and just take it all in.

Call us, let us help you get your family on the Salmon River this summer. 877-705-7370